My strength is hatred, torment, and pain!
There are no tears, No feeling of guilt, Nowhere to channel the anger, Nowhere to leave the pain
You can't kill me.. I'm already dead
Early morning moments, A glimpse of joy, But it's soon over and I return to dust...
The closer we are to the soul, the further we are from perfection.
Why settle for honesty when you can breathe a perfect lie?
Lost until the eternal sleep comes...
I'm such a mistake, and I'm longing to not exist...
Dying seems less sad than having lived too little.
When will this miserable life end?
Pain and suffering... to the very end
I walk through fire, I walk through waves, darkness is overwhelming ith hate and pain
I live a life of misery and hate, I dream of being loved and safe
Tears, scars and death... thats all life is to me
Kill me now, you know you want to.. it's not like I want to live nyway!